During a full day program, you will experience the many advantages of the Ometa framework.

You will learn to set up a connection between an ERP-system (e.g. SAP, Infor) and some side applications. Next, you will learn how you can integrate these systems without any form of coding! You will also be able to build a portal on top of this data and to write data from the portal back to the underlying data sources. Moreover, you will do an exercise on dynamic case management in which you will set up an automatic creation of sites based on metadata.

The training is aimed at technical profiles or business profiles with a minimal technical background. The number of participants is limited due to the personal approach during this session.

This training session is held in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch.

Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem

Participation is completely free!


08h30 Reception
With coffee and pastries
09h00 Concepts and new functionalities in the Ometa Framework
We explore the evolutions that the Ometa framework has gone through since its newest release. We make exercises in the Ometa framework in which we create profiles, objects and methods.
10h45 Pause
With coffee, tea and snacks.
11h00 Interactive exercises: Showing ERP results in SharePoint and working with real-time ERP data in Excel
We go through exercises with views and build a portal in SharePoint in which Ometa components are used. We also fetch real-time data from an ERP system and display the information in Microsoft Excel.
With drinks and sandwiches.
12h45 Interactive exercises: Filtering and Synchronization
You will learn how to create filters and create synchronizations between two different ERP systems, using the Ometa Framework.
14h30 Pause
With coffee, tea and snacks.
14h45 Demonstration Case Management
Next step in the collaboration process is a file in case management. Thereby steady steps in the processes are being defined. This makes it possible to differ user rights, show documents and data depending on the phase of the process. More will become clear during this part of the training.
16h45 Networking with drinks and snacks.


The advanced training is a 2-day training which covers the most important features of the Ometa Platform. It is important that you already have experienced the Ometa Platform and have a basic understanding of objects, methods, views and context managers.

The first day is focused on ADM. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up connections to various external systems;
– setting up filtering possibilities;
– create attractive forms in SharePoint;
– conversion & validation scripts with C#
– custom scripting with JavaScript
– embedding Google Maps in the ADM
– configuring linked views in the context manager to refresh certain ADM’s
– context manager functions for fetching context from external systems;
– list view functions, item view functions and item method functions
– input extensions for retrieving info from system A and send it to system B
– profile virtualisation where the context determines the correct external system;
– audit trailing for tracking all changes made on a record;
– using SharePoint context to include the current logged in user
– working with internationalisation
– performance.

During the second day we go deeper into Dynamic Case Management. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up the DCS system from scratch;
– configure all states for the product life cycle;
– building a dynamic template for a product site;
– process state transitions;
– working with the Case Management Dashboard;
– working with permissions;
– using tasks.

This training session is held in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch.

Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem

Participation is free!

Program 2nd and 3rd August 2023

08h30 Reception
  Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09h00  Part 1 
  Interactive training
12h00 Lunchbreak
  Drinks and sandwiches.
13h00 Part 2 
  Interactive training
17h00 Finish
Summarize and conclude

Fully Booked!

During a full day program, you will experience the many advantages of the Ometa framework.

You will learn to set up a connection between an ERP-system (e.g. SAP, Infor) and some side applications. Next, you will learn how you can integrate these systems without any form of coding! You will also be able to build a portal on top of this data and to write data from the portal back to the underlying data sources. Moreover, you will do an exercise on dynamic case management in which you will set up an automatic creation of sites based on metadata.

The training is aimed at technical profiles or business profiles with a minimal technical background. The number of participants is limited due to the personal approach during this session.

This training session is held in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch.

Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem

Participation is completely free!


08h30 Reception
With coffee and pastries
09h00 Concepts and new functionalities in the Ometa Framework
We explore the evolutions that the Ometa framework has gone through since its newest release. We make exercises in the Ometa framework in which we create profiles, objects and methods.
10h45 Pause
With coffee, tea and snacks.
11h00 Interactive exercises: Showing ERP results in SharePoint and working with real-time ERP data in Excel
We go through exercises with views and build a portal in SharePoint in which Ometa components are used. We also fetch real-time data from an ERP system and display the information in Microsoft Excel.
With drinks and sandwiches.
12h45 Interactive exercises: Filtering and Synchronization
You will learn how to create filters and create synchronizations between two different ERP systems, using the Ometa Framework.
14h30 Pause
With coffee, tea and snacks.
14h45 Demonstration Case Management
Next step in the collaboration process is a file in case management. Thereby steady steps in the processes are being defined. This makes it possible to differ user rights, show documents and data depending on the phase of the process. More will become clear during this part of the training.
16h45 Networking with drinks and snacks.

Fully Booked!

Fully Booked


Pidpa is a producer and supplier of pure drinkable water within the province of Antwerp, with a view on sustainability. For this they have 11 water production centers, 59 water towers and 27 booster stations. All this accumulates to 175 million liters of water every day.

Integrations at Pidpa

To have water flowing from the taps of 1.2 million people every day, a lot of infrastructure is needed. The day-to-day management of this infrastructure therefore requires cooperation between municipalities, contractors, consultancy firms, etc. All information about their projects and activities can be found in their ERP system SAP S/4 HANA. However, making this data accessible to our partners turned out to be a major challenge.

We noticed the need to do more integrations, but on the other hand we noticed that those integrations were very labor-intensive as a lot of coding was involved. After all, collaboration via mailbox is outdated.

We were looking for a modern way to efficiently link the dataflows between all parties. Ometa showed how their digital collaboration portals have led to enormous efficiency gains at other water companies. Thanks to the Ometa framework, effective coding has shifted to configuring the integrations. This has the great advantage of saving time and you can standardize several things.

“Communication with all our stakeholders and the digitization of all meters in our extraction area were major challenges for us. This is a project that will ensure a very large rollout until 2030.” says Stefan Meys, Director of Finance, ICT & Purchasing.

“Ometa made sure that the right information was delivered to the right person in a secure manner, at the right time, and the ERP system SAP S/4 HANA is always central.”


In concrete terms, Ometa has ensured that the right information reaches the right parties at the right time in a secure context. The ERP system is always central to this. For example, our customers can consult the rates via the website, these differ per municipality and are automatically updated from our SAP system.

During the production process, employees have access to a digital workplace in which relevant information from various sources such as the SAP system can be seen, and they can also immediately make the necessary adjustments.

We have rolled out the same concept for collaboration with external contractors. Via such a digital workplace they gain access to, for example, work orders from the SAP system, so that they can process them and consult all relevant documents. This means that there is one clear communication channel.

“We notice that our focus is increasingly on cloud transition, and that can certainly be supported by the Ometa Framework.”

Future vision

After Pidpa made the switch to SAP S/4 HANA, they are also looking at which other systems they want to bring to the cloud. Tom Van Eysendeyk, Manager Applications Customer & Front End: “We notice that our focus is increasingly on cloud transition. This cloud transition can certainly be supported by the Ometa framework. Ometa has demonstrated to other customers that the platform is ready for this strategic shift.”

During a full day program, you will experience the many advantages of the Ometa framework.

You will learn to set up a connection between an ERP-system (e.g. SAP, Infor) and some side applications. Next, you will learn how you can integrate these systems without any form of coding! You will also be able to build a portal on top of this data and to write data from the portal back to the underlying data sources. Moreover, you will do an exercise on dynamic case management in which you will set up an automatic creation of sites based on metadata.

The training is aimed at technical profiles or business profiles with a minimal technical background. The number of participants is limited due to the personal approach during this session.

This training session is held in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch.

Location: To be decided depending on the current COVID-19 measures by the local governement: Online or Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem

Participation is completely free!


08h30 Reception
With coffee and pastries
09h00 Concepts and new functionalities in the Ometa Framework
We explore the evolutions that the Ometa framework has gone through since its newest release. We make exercises in the Ometa framework in which we create profiles, objects and methods.
10h45 Pause
With coffee, tea and snacks.
11h00 Interactive exercises: Showing ERP results in SharePoint and working with real-time ERP data in Excel
We go through exercises with views and build a portal in SharePoint in which Ometa components are used. We also fetch real-time data from an ERP system and display the information in Microsoft Excel.
With drinks and sandwiches.
12h45 Interactive exercises: Filtering and Synchronization
You will learn how to create filters and create synchronizations between two different ERP systems, using the Ometa Framework.
14h30 Pause
With coffee, tea and snacks.
14h45 Demonstration Case Management
Next step in the collaboration process is a file in case management. Thereby steady steps in the processes are being defined. This makes it possible to differ user rights, show documents and data depending on the phase of the process. More will become clear during this part of the training.
16h45 Networking with drinks and snacks.

Fully Booked!

Fully Booked

During a full day program, you will experience the many advantages of the Ometa framework.

You will learn to set up a connection between an ERP-system (e.g. SAP, Infor) and some side applications. Next, you will learn how you can integrate these systems without any form of coding! You will also be able to build a portal on top of this data and to write data from the portal back to the underlying data sources. Moreover, you will do an exercise on dynamic case management in which you will set up an automatic creation of sites based on metadata.

The training is aimed at technical profiles or business profiles with a minimal technical background. The number of participants is limited due to the personal approach during this session.

This training session is held in English.

Location: Online via Microsoft Teams

Participation is completely free!


09h00 Concepts and new functionalities in the Ometa Framework
We explore the evolutions that the Ometa framework has gone through since its newest release. We make exercises in the Ometa framework in which we create profiles, objects and methods.
10h45 Pause
11h00 Interactive exercises: Showing ERP results in SharePoint and working with real-time ERP data in Excel
We go through exercises with views and build a portal in SharePoint in which Ometa components are used. We also fetch real-time data from an ERP system and display the information in Microsoft Excel.
Pause / Lunchbreak
13h00 Interactive exercises: Filtering and Synchronization
You will learn how to create filters and create synchronizations between two different ERP systems, using the Ometa Framework.
14h30 Pause
14h45 Demonstration Case Management
Next step in the collaboration process is a file in case management. Thereby steady steps in the processes are being defined. This makes it possible to differ user rights, show documents and data depending on the phase of the process. More will become clear during this part of the training.

Fully Booked!

Fully Booked

Ometa Webinar

Der IEUG Praxistag fand im Oktober wegen Corona leider nicht statt, was aber nicht bedeutet, dass sich bei Ometa nichts getan hat. Letztes Jahr haben Sie uns vielleicht während dem Praxistag schon zugehört. Wir möchten Ihnen sehr gerne das folgende Update über das Krohne-Projekt vorstellen, bei dem wir die gesamte Werkstatt papierlos gemacht haben:

Neben Krohne hat Ometa auch andere erfolgreiche Implementierungen in Bezug auf Fertigungsprojekte durchgeführt. Hier unterscheiden wir 3 Säulen:

a) Paperless und Konnektivität
b) Maschinen-OEE-Follow-up und Verknüpfung mit ERP
c) Digital Shadow von jedem Stück in der Produktion

Schauen Sie sich gerne das zugehörige Video an, um einen besseren Einblick in diese 3 Lösungen zu erhalten. Sie werden alle im selben Framework implementiert und zeigen eine klare Vision und Wachstumsstrategie, wie Sie die digitale Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen Schritt für Schritt am besten angehen können:

Sind Sie neugierig geworden? Wir halten an folgenden Terminen das Webinar “Papierlos arbeiten in der Produktionshalle”, Luc DELEU wird Ihnen gerne präsentieren:

24. Februar 2021 von 10:00 bis 11:30
09. März 2021 von 10:00 bis 11:30

Mail to: terry.brosens@ometa.net

The “Digitaal Sociaal Dossier” is a solution for governments where all information about their citizens are gathered in one digital workplace. 

The Contract Management solution from Ometa can be easily linked to your processes. With the unique concept of dynamic case management, depending on the state of the contract, the correct people are invited and see all the relevant information in just one place.

The HR solution from Ometa can be easily linked to your processes. All information from your employees is visible in one digital collaboration workspace and information is pushed to the right people, on the right moment.