
  • Duration: The technical training spans 3 days and covers the key features of the Ometa Framework.
  • Participant Limit: Limited number of participants to ensure a personalized learning experience.
  • Language: Conducted in English unless all participants are fluent in Dutch.
  • Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem.
  • Cost: Participation is free of charge.
  • Dates: Program scheduled for August 20th to 22th, 2024.

Training Objectives

  • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
  • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
  • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
  • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
  • Understand advanced context management techniques.
  • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
  • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
  • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Target Audience

  • Individuals with a technical background.
  • Users seeking advanced knowledge and proficiency in Ometa features.
  • Developers, administrators, and consultants involved in Ometa solutions implementation and customization.
  • IT professionals responsible for integrating and optimizing the Ometa Platform within their organizations.

What’s to learn?

Day One

First, we look at the basics within the Ometa framework to get you familiar with working in our Ometa Business Connector and getting used to all different terminology.

The focus lies on:

      • Introduction to Ometa framework basics and terminology.
      • Setting up connections to external systems.
      • Displaying real-time information from SQL and SAP in SharePoint.
      • Creating real-time charts on ERP data.
      • Setting up filtering options.
      • Accessing data with open communication protocols (OData).
      • Creating forms.
      • Building a basic virtual workspace with Dynamic Case Management.

Day Two

The second day is focused on a deep dive into our Application Data Manager (ADM).

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Day Three

During the last day we go deeper into the more advanced options within the framework and end with an exercise which combines Ometa Dynamic Case Management and the other subjects learned in the past days.

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.


08h30 Reception
  Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09h00  Part 1 
  Interactive training
12h00 Lunchbreak
  Drinks and sandwiches.
13h00 Part 2 
  Interactive training
17h00 Finish
Summarize and conclude



  • Duration: The technical training spans 3 days and covers the key features of the Ometa Framework.
  • Participant Limit: Limited number of participants to ensure a personalized learning experience.
  • Language: Conducted in English unless all participants are fluent in Dutch.
  • Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem.
  • Cost: Participation is free of charge.
  • Dates: Program scheduled for September 17th to 19th, 2024.

Training Objectives

  • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
  • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
  • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
  • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
  • Understand advanced context management techniques.
  • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
  • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
  • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Target Audience

  • Individuals with a technical background.
  • Users seeking advanced knowledge and proficiency in Ometa features.
  • Developers, administrators, and consultants involved in Ometa solutions implementation and customization.
  • IT professionals responsible for integrating and optimizing the Ometa Platform within their organizations.

What’s to learn?

Day One

First, we look at the basics within the Ometa framework to get you familiar with working in our Ometa Business Connector and getting used to all different terminology.

The focus lies on:

      • Introduction to Ometa framework basics and terminology.
      • Setting up connections to external systems.
      • Displaying real-time information from SQL and SAP in SharePoint.
      • Creating real-time charts on ERP data.
      • Setting up filtering options.
      • Accessing data with open communication protocols (OData).
      • Creating forms.
      • Building a basic virtual workspace with Dynamic Case Management.

Day Two

The second day is focused on a deep dive into our Application Data Manager (ADM).

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Day Three

During the last day we go deeper into the more advanced options within the framework and end with an exercise which combines Ometa Dynamic Case Management and the other subjects learned in the past days.

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.


08h30 Reception
  Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09h00  Part 1 
  Interactive training
12h00 Lunchbreak
  Drinks and sandwiches.
13h00 Part 2 
  Interactive training
17h00 Finish
Summarize and conclude



  • Duration: The technical training spans 3 days and covers the key features of the Ometa Framework.
  • Participant Limit: Limited number of participants to ensure a personalized learning experience.
  • Language: Conducted in English unless all participants are fluent in Dutch.
  • Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem.
  • Cost: Participation is free of charge.
  • Dates: Program scheduled for July 2th to 4th, 2024.

Training Objectives

  • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
  • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
  • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
  • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
  • Understand advanced context management techniques.
  • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
  • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
  • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Target Audience

  • Individuals with a technical background.
  • Users seeking advanced knowledge and proficiency in Ometa features.
  • Developers, administrators, and consultants involved in Ometa solutions implementation and customization.
  • IT professionals responsible for integrating and optimizing the Ometa Platform within their organizations.

What’s to learn?

Day One

First, we look at the basics within the Ometa framework to get you familiar with working in our Ometa Business Connector and getting used to all different terminology.

The focus lies on:

    • Introduction to Ometa framework basics and terminology.
    • Setting up connections to external systems.
    • Displaying real-time information from SQL and SAP in SharePoint.
    • Creating real-time charts on ERP data.
    • Setting up filtering options.
    • Accessing data with open communication protocols (OData).
    • Creating forms.
    • Building a basic virtual workspace with Dynamic Case Management.

Day Two

The second day is focused on a deep dive into our Application Data Manager (ADM).

During this day you will learn more about:

    • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
    • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
    • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
    • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
    • Understand advanced context management techniques.
    • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
    • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
    • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Day Three

During the last day we go deeper into the more advanced options within the framework and end with an exercise which combines Ometa Dynamic Case Management and the other subjects learned in the past days.

During this day you will learn more about:

    • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
    • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
    • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
    • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
    • Understand advanced context management techniques.
    • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
    • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
    • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.


 Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09h00 Part 1 
 Interactive training
 Drinks and sandwiches.
13h00Part 2 
 Interactive training
Summarize and conclude

This training is fully booked.
Niko - factory of the future

Due to significant automation, robotization, and digitalization, the complexity of the production process has greatly increased in recent years. In implementing the new MES system, Niko emphasized self-reliance, simplicity, and full integration of all processes into one system. 

In Niko’s current system, about ten critical systems are used, such as SAP, API-Pro, document management systems, LabVIEW, and various databases, each with its own interfaces. Communication between these systems was often a task for the operator, who was increasingly burdened with complexity. 

With the introduction of the Digital Production Assistant, Niko also simplifies the tasks of its employees, as the assistant itself follows all systems, makes suggestions, and synchronizes multiple systems with a simple input. The Digital Production Assistant is an integrated software system with a uniform interface used on all machines and for all processes in the factory. This allows operators to work more autonomously and follow the production process at all stages themselves.

Uniform operator screen for all machines

The new system at Niko offers operators a uniform screen that provides access to all necessary functionalities for each machine in the factory. This includes an overview of current orders, tasks for upcoming orders, material issuance, control loops, and more. In addition, current order statuses are displayed, along with suggestions for resolving any interruptions, based on trained models. By planning the next orders in real-time based on recent warehouse receipts, priorities, and changeover time, efficiency and productivity are maximized. Importantly, the standardization of interfaces via opcua for all stations simplifies the setup of new machines, based on templates new machines are added. The result is that training an operator for one machine is suddenly training for all machines. 

First Aid for Downtime (EHBS)

The EHBS system allows operators to provide feedback after technical failures, enabling other operators to act quickly and independently in similar situations. A model is trained for each machine so that EHBS (First Aid for Downtime) is based on past experiences. This means that the system suggests the most plausible solutions to problems based on past success. The operator can also validate their own solutions, while the system continues to develop by continuously collecting and processing feedback.

Realtime planning of orders/tasks per machine

Order planning at the machine level happens in real-time with a pull system. When a machine detects that the current order is almost complete, the system considers recent warehouse receipts, priorities, sales order information, and changeover costs to calculate the most efficient production order. This is similar to a GPS system calculating the shortest route. The assistant makes planning suggestions, but the operator retains control and can confirm the choices based on the real-time suggestions. This optimizes production and allows for quick adjustments on the shop floor. 

Realtime quality control

The system uses an OPC UA interface to communicate in real-time with every machine on the floor. This allows the system to continuously monitor process, production, and product parameters and detect deviations. Quality checks are triggered based on various factors, such as the start of a new production batch, a specific number of produced units, or anomalies in process parameters. Operators receive a standardized questionnaire from the digital assistant, compiled in real-time based on defined control criteria. This streamlined approach ensures that the quality of the production process is monitored and maintained in real-time.

DOM (daily operation meetings) on realtime data

For daily operational meetings and shift changes, there is no longer a need to search for data. At each meeting, data such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), downtime with causes, production status, and any backlogs automatically appear on the screen. This makes last-minute reporting unnecessary. The collected data can be directly discussed with the team, resulting in a streamlined and efficient transition between shifts. This data serves as input for further analysis and action planning, promoting continuous improvement and setting actions for optimizing the production process. 

Plant Management

The Plant Management provides an overview of factory data at various levels, allowing priorities to be set and decisions to be made based on real-time information. This tool enables operators, team leaders, shift leaders, and plant managers to zoom in on specific details and zoom out for a broader context. The real-time aggregation of data eliminates the need to manually manipulate data to get an accurate picture of factory activities. With the Plant Management Control Tower, backlogs against the plan in SAP can be tracked in real-time, and responsible operations and machines can

Niko - factory of the future

Knowledge Session

We are proud to invite you to an exclusive event where we will take a deep dive into Niko’s award-winning digital transformation project, with special focus on the chosen Ometa framework. Niko has opted for the Ometa product for its digital transformation, which has led to remarkable improvements in their production process and the prestigious recognition of the Factory of the Future Award. During this event, we will discuss the implementation of the Ometa framework at Niko, as well as its impact on their operational efficiency. With our digital assistant, which supports operators by capturing machine knowledge, we prioritize the human element and reduce dependence on specific skills. We offer a unique opportunity to gain insights, share experiences, and network with industry experts and like-minded professionals.


12:00 – 13:00Welcome with Lunch
Lunch buffet with coffee and sandwiches
13:00 – 13:15Welcome
Digital transformation of the production process at Niko and the achievement of the Factory of the Future Award
13:15 – 13:45Session 1: Implementation of Ometa Solutions at Niko
· Explanation of the implemented Ometa solutions at Niko, including integration, functionalities, and benefits.
· Praktische voorbeelden en case studies van succesvolle implementaties 
13:45 – 14:15Session 2: Demonstration of the Niko Production Process
· Live demonstration of the integrated production process at Niko,
including uniform operator screen, real-time scheduling, quality control, and OEE.
· Discussion of the benefits and efficiency improvements through this innovative approach.
14:15 – 14:30Break
  14:30 – 15:15Session 3: Digitalization and Innovation at Niko
· Presentation on further digitalization efforts and innovative projects at Niko
including DOM (Daily Operation Meetings), real-time monitoring, and Plant Management Control Tower. 
· Discussion of future plans and opportunities.
15:15 – 16:30Networking Opportunity, Q&A with Experts, Personal Demos, and Closing Drinks
· Informal networking
· Opportunity to ask questions to experts
· Personal demos on discussed topics
· Casual conversation over drinks
*The program is subject to changes.


Ometa HQ, Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem


Niko - factory of the future

Knowledge Session

We are proud to invite you to an exclusive event where we will take a deep dive into Niko’s award-winning digital transformation project, with special focus on the chosen Ometa framework. Niko has opted for the Ometa product for its digital transformation, which has led to remarkable improvements in their production process and the prestigious recognition of the Factory of the Future Award. During this event, we will discuss the implementation of the Ometa framework at Niko, as well as its impact on their operational efficiency. With our digital assistant, which supports operators by capturing machine knowledge, we prioritize the human element and reduce dependence on specific skills. We offer a unique opportunity to gain insights, share experiences, and network with industry experts and like-minded professionals.


12:00 – 13:00Welcome with Lunch
Lunch buffet with coffee and sandwiches
13:00 – 13:15Welcome
Digital transformation of the production process at Niko and the achievement of the Factory of the Future Award
13:15 – 13:45Session 1: Implementation of Ometa Solutions at Niko
· Explanation of the implemented Ometa solutions at Niko, including integration, functionalities, and benefits.
· Practical examples and case studies of successful implementations.
13:45 – 14:15Session 2: Demonstration of the Niko Production Process
· Live demonstration of the integrated production process at Niko,
including uniform operator screen, real-time scheduling, quality control, and OEE.
· Discussion of the benefits and efficiency improvements through this innovative approach.
14:15 – 14:30Break
  14:30 – 15:15Session 3: Digitalization and Innovation at Niko
· Presentation on further digitalization efforts and innovative projects at Niko
including DOM (Daily Operation Meetings), real-time monitoring, and Plant Management Control Tower.
· Discussion of future plans and opportunities.
15:15 – 16:30Networking Opportunity, Q&A with Experts, Personal Demos, and Closing Drinks
· Informal networking
· Opportunity to ask questions to experts
· Personal demos on discussed topics
· Casual conversation over drinks 
*The program is subject to changes.


Ometa HQ, Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem


Registration for this event has been closed. For more information about future events please contact


  • Duration: The technical training spans 3 days and covers the key features of the Ometa Framework.
  • Participant Limit: Limited number of participants to ensure a personalized learning experience.
  • Language: Conducted in English unless all participants are fluent in Dutch.
  • Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem.
  • Cost: Participation is free of charge.
  • Dates: Program scheduled for June 4th to 6th, 2024.

Training Objectives

  • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
  • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
  • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
  • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
  • Understand advanced context management techniques.
  • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
  • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
  • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Target Audience

  • Individuals with a technical background.
  • Users seeking advanced knowledge and proficiency in Ometa features.
  • Developers, administrators, and consultants involved in Ometa solutions implementation and customization.
  • IT professionals responsible for integrating and optimizing the Ometa Platform within their organizations.

What’s to learn?

Day One

First, we look at the basics within the Ometa framework to get you familiar with working in our Ometa Business Connector and getting used to all different terminology.

The focus lies on:

      • Introduction to Ometa framework basics and terminology.
      • Setting up connections to external systems.
      • Displaying real-time information from SQL and SAP in SharePoint.
      • Creating real-time charts on ERP data.
      • Setting up filtering options.
      • Accessing data with open communication protocols (OData).
      • Creating forms.
      • Building a basic virtual workspace with Dynamic Case Management.

Day Two

The second day is focused on a deep dive into our Application Data Manager (ADM).

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Day Three

During the last day we go deeper into the more advanced options within the framework and end with an exercise which combines Ometa Dynamic Case Management and the other subjects learned in the past days.

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.


08h30 Reception
  Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09h00  Part 1 
  Interactive training
12h00 Lunchbreak
  Drinks and sandwiches.
13h00 Part 2 
  Interactive training
17h00 Finish
Summarize and conclude



  • Duration: The technical training spans 3 days and covers the key features of the Ometa Framework.
  • Participant Limit: Limited number of participants to ensure a personalized learning experience.
  • Language: Conducted in English unless all participants are fluent in Dutch.
  • Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem.
  • Cost: Participation is free of charge.
  • Dates: Program scheduled for March 12th to 14th, 2024.

Training Objectives

  • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
  • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
  • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
  • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
  • Understand advanced context management techniques.
  • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
  • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
  • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Target Audience

  • Individuals with a technical background.
  • Users seeking advanced knowledge and proficiency in Ometa features.
  • Developers, administrators, and consultants involved in Ometa solutions implementation and customization.
  • IT professionals responsible for integrating and optimizing the Ometa Platform within their organizations.

What’s to learn?

Day One

First, we look at the basics within the Ometa framework to get you familiar with working in our Ometa Business Connector and getting used to all different terminology.

The focus lies on:

      • Introduction to Ometa framework basics and terminology.
      • Setting up connections to external systems.
      • Displaying real-time information from SQL and SAP in SharePoint.
      • Creating real-time charts on ERP data.
      • Setting up filtering options.
      • Accessing data with open communication protocols (OData).
      • Creating forms.
      • Building a basic virtual workspace with Dynamic Case Management.

Day Two

The second day is focused on a deep dive into our Application Data Manager (ADM).

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.

Day Three

During the last day we go deeper into the more advanced options within the framework and end with an exercise which combines Ometa Dynamic Case Management and the other subjects learned in the past days.

During this day you will learn more about:

      • Acquire proficiency in using the Ometa Business Connector software.
      • Establish connections with external systems such as SAP, SQL, etc.
      • Gain comprehensive understanding of Application Data Manager (ADM) features.
      • Master the creation of dynamic forms and views tailored to specific needs.
      • Understand advanced context management techniques.
      • Explore Ometa Case Management functionalities.
      • Develop custom scripts using C# and JavaScript.
      • Optimize platform performance for efficiency.


08h30 Reception
  Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09h00  Part 1 
  Interactive training
12h00 Lunchbreak
  Drinks and sandwiches.
13h00 Part 2 
  Interactive training
17h00 Finish
Summarize and conclude


Indumation 2024

Ometa is again participating at Indumation 2024. This year we bring with us an interesting Industry 4.0 case.

Rob Naaikens, Sr. Director Global IT at Inalfa Roof Systems Group is presenting an interesting case on combining different data sources and producing insightful data for the line and plant managers with the Ometa Framework.

Indumation takes place from 31st of January until 2nd of February 2024 at Kortijk Expo.

Visits are free when registered with this link.

The advanced training is a 2-day training which covers the most important features of the Ometa Platform. It is important that you already have experienced the Ometa Platform and have a basic understanding of objects, methods, views and context managers.

The first day is focused on ADM. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up connections to various external systems;
– setting up filtering possibilities;
– create attractive forms in SharePoint;
– conversion & validation scripts with C#
– custom scripting with JavaScript
– embedding Google Maps in the ADM
– configuring linked views in the context manager to refresh certain ADM’s
– context manager functions for fetching context from external systems;
– list view functions, item view functions and item method functions
– input extensions for retrieving info from system A and send it to system B
– profile virtualisation where the context determines the correct external system;
– audit trailing for tracking all changes made on a record;
– using SharePoint context to include the current logged in user
– working with internationalisation
– performance.

During the second day we go deeper into Dynamic Case Management. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up the DCS system from scratch;
– configure all states for the product life cycle;
– building a dynamic template for a product site;
– process state transitions;
– working with the Case Management Dashboard;
– working with permissions;
– using tasks.

This training session is held in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch.

Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem

Participation is free!

Program 11 and 12 October 2023

08h30 Reception
  Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09h00  Part 1 
  Interactive training
12h00 Lunchbreak
  Drinks and sandwiches.
13h00 Part 2 
  Interactive training
17h00 Finish
Summarize and conclude
