

    Industry challenges

    Complex application landscape

    Company data is scattered over several different systems and file servers. As a result, separate information islands exist throughout the organization. Due to these islands, business knowledge is spread and efficient collaboration is affected.

    Systems are not in sync

    The current systems and applications are not tuned in to each other.  Different systems are speaking different languages. This means that information is not always up to date for everyone at any time and it creates bottlenecks in company process.

    Limited access to information

    Only a limited number of key-users  in the organization actually knows how to access data that is stored in these usually complex applications. This means that other knowledge workers are dependent on these application experts to retrieve the information they need.

    Slow decision-making

    Many e-mails and phone calls are needed in order to have access to the right information. Because knowledge workers need to pull information from different sources and colleagues, the decision-making process becomes slow. This affects the agility of your organization and affects growth.

    Core duties are prevented

    Because data is not in sync throughout the organization, too many human errors occur while re-entering data. Information workers need to update, process and adjust the data manually. This affects the quality of information and it takes time away from core duties that are more important for company operations.

    Lack of realtime reporting

    Reports on production, services, maintenance, finance and sales are crucial for having a clear view on your company performance. The problem is that it often takes a lot of time to create these reports because data is pulled manually from several sources. Consequently, the reports contain inaccurate and outdated information.

    Disconnected from stakeholders

    Customers need to be informed about their orders and at the same time it is important for you to have insight in your suppliers’ stock. But because your organization is not integrated with its main stakeholders, information processing is slow. As a result, you risk losing customers and the quality and speed of your production process is affected.

    Do you recognize some of these challenges in your organization?

    The solutions that we provide

    Realtime digital workspace

    We create digital workspaces in which knowledge workers have realtime access to all relevant data which is coming from several underlying data sources. Because it is no longer necessary to fetch data in separate islands, decision-making becomes much faster. Moreover, the workspace not only contains structured data (e.g. ERP) bot also the right documents.

    Human-driven expertise

    Pushing realtime integrated data to knowledge workers across all  key departments, such as production, purchase, accounting, HR and sales,  allows people to focus on their functional expertise again. By leveraging their core competences, they are able to guide company processes in the right direction.

    Connected shop floor

    Information coming from several sources (e.g. CRM, ERP, MES) is provided in realtime to production operators via dashboards or interactive portals. Operators now have access to all relevant data without needing any knowledge of the underlying data sources. This improves both speed and quality of the production process and planning.

    Predictive maintenance

    By using sensors and integrating your machines with your ERP application, we are able to initiate service orders as soon as a machine tells us that it might have a problem. This allows you to replace planned maintenance with predictive maintenance. This ensures that the production process does not need to be interrupted unnecessarily.

    Improved customer relations

    Give your customers direct access to their order status and the products or services that you are offering. Via secured portals they can check this information at all times. This allows you to respond quick to your customers’ demand. Moreover, this will highly improve your customer relations.

    Connected supply chain

    By giving your suppliers access to information that reflects your demand, they will be able to respond faster and you will be helped out quicker. As a result, your processes (e.g. production) can be fastened  and in the end your customer will be serviced faster as well.

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    Government challenges

    Information-sharing between entities

    With a broad range of government services and institutions, there also exists a wide range of systems and databases that are disconnected from each other.  Consequently, data is scattered over several sources. This makes it very difficult to map all this correctly and a clear view on the information landscape is lacking. This makes it difficult to share information between government entities.

    Information-sharing with citizens

    Due to the lack of an integrated information landscape, information-sharing with citizens is often exhaustive. For every type of request, a different government service is responsible. Each service works with different databases. Consequently, citizens need to pass several ‘counters’ in order to obtain the requested information.

    Many, many documents

    As a result of an immense amount of personal folders, documents (duplicates, different versions), photos, etc., there is an enormous proliferation of information in file servers that needs to be managed. Furthermore, there are often still many paper documents to be processed. As a consequence, it is often a hard time finding the right document. There is need for a single version of the truth.

    Access to information

    Only a limited number of people in the organization knows how to access data that is stored in these usually complex applications. Knowledge workers are dependent on these application experts to retrieve the information they need. This slows down operational processes.

    Information security

    Government institutions experience the burden to securely share personal information that is often highly sensitive. Moreover, increased compliance standards and new privacy legislation like GDPR demand secure and transparent information management.

    Slow government services

    Many e-mails and phone calls are needed in order to have access to the right information. Because knowledge workers need to pull information from different sources,  the decision-making process slows down. Consequently, government services are still too exhaustive.

    Inefficient administration

    Data needs to be re-inserted multiple times in different systems and spreadsheets, which affects the efficiency of administration in terms of time and effort. Knowledge workers spend too much time processing data in stead of working with relevant information.

    Archiving vs process management

    In order to become digitally sustainable, governments need to get a full grip on their process information , their archiving and their document management.  The problem is that external  IT providers usually offer incomplete solutions that only tackle a specific part. There is need for an integrated solution that respects the  demands and rules of each separate domain.


    Do you recognize some of these challenges in your organization?

    The solutions that we provide

    Information-driven government

    Ometa is able to disclose and integrate all kinds of legacy IT systems and databases on which (local) governments often still rely. Data is then made accessible for knowledge workers in realtime. Moreover, we offer full tracing and logging options to improve quality of data processing.

    Open data

    Ometa enables governments to work with open data protocols and standards. This enables government entities to create uniform platforms for efficient informating sharing between government entities and between entities and civilians.

    Dynamic Case Management

    Citizens’ personal dossiers often pass several government entities and states such as request, in treatment, approved and declined. Ometa offers workflow features in which the appropriate civil administrators or departments are invited to work on a file at the time when this becomes relevant. This guarantees a clarified completion of dossiers.

    GDPR compliancy

    As a result of privacy legislation like GDPR, external parties that are involved in processing personal data have to comply with these new laws as well.  Ometa always provides the appropriate security measures and we do not store any data. This makes Ometa the perfect platform for dealing with sensitive government and personal information.

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    Discover the power of integration for your organization.