Streamlined flow for taskhandling
Well structured task workflows to speed up decisions, ensure policy compliance, and enhance transparency.
Define concrete action plans with ease
The key to a successful flow is to start by determining your plan of action. From that point, tasks can be defined.
Structured Evidence storage with meta data
Consolidating documents promotes efficient teamwork and simplifies administrative tasks.
Efficient collaboration between colleagues
Communicate directly on the specified task or action plan, with the involved people.
Automated alert messages
Alert your Action plan owners via mail when certain tasks are reaching there due data.
Personalized Experience
Each user sees the digital portal tailored to your needs. We present the correct data to the right person at the right time.
Key benefits
More features
Personal Tasks
From the personal page, each employee receives a personal overview of assigned tasks. Clicking on the task title automatically navigates you to the file site of that particular task. Tasks can also be managed from the personal page.
Individuals working on the portal can track documents. By clicking on the document properties, options to ‘follow’ or ‘alert me’ appear. You will receive a notification whenever someone makes a change to that document.
Version History
Each document added to the portal maintains its own version history. Clicking on the details of a document reveals the ‘Version History’ option. A log of every modification made to the document (when, who, and comments) is available. Previous versions can always be restored.
Some impressions

The Project has brought us great value in reducing lead times

Thanks to this package, we can now connect a machine to our OPC UA system in less than a day.
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