Niko - factory of the future

Inspiration Session – 12 June 2024

Knowledge Session

We are proud to invite you to an exclusive event where we will take a deep dive into Niko’s award-winning digital transformation project, with special focus on the chosen Ometa framework. Niko has opted for the Ometa product for its digital transformation, which has led to remarkable improvements in their production process and the prestigious recognition of the Factory of the Future Award. During this event, we will discuss the implementation of the Ometa framework at Niko, as well as its impact on their operational efficiency. With our digital assistant, which supports operators by capturing machine knowledge, we prioritize the human element and reduce dependence on specific skills. We offer a unique opportunity to gain insights, share experiences, and network with industry experts and like-minded professionals.


12:00 – 13:00Welcome with Lunch
Lunch buffet with coffee and sandwiches
13:00 – 13:15Welcome
Digital transformation of the production process at Niko and the achievement of the Factory of the Future Award
13:15 – 13:45Session 1: Implementation of Ometa Solutions at Niko
· Explanation of the implemented Ometa solutions at Niko, including integration, functionalities, and benefits.
· Practical examples and case studies of successful implementations.
13:45 – 14:15Session 2: Demonstration of the Niko Production Process
· Live demonstration of the integrated production process at Niko,
including uniform operator screen, real-time scheduling, quality control, and OEE.
· Discussion of the benefits and efficiency improvements through this innovative approach.
14:15 – 14:30Break
  14:30 – 15:15Session 3: Digitalization and Innovation at Niko
· Presentation on further digitalization efforts and innovative projects at Niko
including DOM (Daily Operation Meetings), real-time monitoring, and Plant Management Control Tower.
· Discussion of future plans and opportunities.
15:15 – 16:30Networking Opportunity, Q&A with Experts, Personal Demos, and Closing Drinks
· Informal networking
· Opportunity to ask questions to experts
· Personal demos on discussed topics
· Casual conversation over drinks 
*The program is subject to changes.


Ometa HQ, Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem


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