Fokker GKN selects Ometa for Industry 4.0
Fokker GKN has selected Ometa to disclose its ERP data in realtime. Nowadays, information is being locked in separate systems, far away from the end-users. Therefore, the goal is to unlock all different systems that the company is using (Infor ERP and Enovia PDM), to bring the relevant information together and to integrate it into the production floors. In other words, to bring back information to those employees who need it.
A big challenge was to share knowledge by building a task-directed system which is dependent on the planned production order, the knowledge of an operator and the instruction that has to be carried out. Therefore, to give an example: the execution of an assembly not only has to consist of the required materials, but at the same time also the actions and instructions that go with the execution.
This means specifications, drawings and actions need to be made clear in a visual way. The power of working task-directed in an industrial environment, is to do this without too much text, but mainly by means of visualization. Ometa was able to realise this project by collaborating with Vanenburg Systems and 3D Value. Via a realtime planning portal and a task-directed system, the first release is now in use by the operators for a Proof of Concept (POC).
Mainly the digital integration of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), the ERP and the planning portal is enabling a flexible way of working that takes the knowledge of the operators into account. We can state that Fokker GKN is truly realizing the Industry 4.0 concept. At Ometa we are very delighted to be a part of this evolution!