Every business has unique needs when it comes to digital file management, and finding tailored solutions is key. We offer a range of options, including contract management software to automate contract lifecycles, reducing administrative burdens and enhancing compliance. Additionally, SharePoint collaboration software can be integrated for seamless team communication and document sharing. What sets us apart is our framework that allows companies to create custom document management solutions suited to their specific requirements. This adaptability ensures smooth data integration, providing businesses with a cohesive and fully functional online workspace.
Years of experience
Founded in 2001, Ometa has built up extensive experience in terms of software development and business understanding.
Customer focus
We have a solid customer base with high-end companies and government organizations. We focus on our customers’ needs to offer integrated solutions that are future proof.
More than 1.000.000 users benefit from our Framework. We offer a scalable product that fits any company size.

We notice that our focus is increasingly on cloud transition, and that can certainly be supported by the Ometa Framework.

Smurfit Kappa MNL
Ometa proposed a solution that allowed us to preserve our existing ERP system.