Niko - factory of the future

Knowledge Session

We are proud to invite you to an exclusive event where we will take a deep dive into Niko’s award-winning digital transformation project, with special focus on the chosen Ometa framework. Niko has opted for the Ometa product for its digital transformation, which has led to remarkable improvements in their production process and the prestigious recognition of the Factory of the Future Award. During this event, we will discuss the implementation of the Ometa framework at Niko, as well as its impact on their operational efficiency. With our digital assistant, which supports operators by capturing machine knowledge, we prioritize the human element and reduce dependence on specific skills. We offer a unique opportunity to gain insights, share experiences, and network with industry experts and like-minded professionals.


12:00 – 13:00Welcome with Lunch
Lunch buffet with coffee and sandwiches
13:00 – 13:15Welcome
Digital transformation of the production process at Niko and the achievement of the Factory of the Future Award
13:15 – 13:45Session 1: Implementation of Ometa Solutions at Niko
· Explanation of the implemented Ometa solutions at Niko, including integration, functionalities, and benefits.
· Praktische voorbeelden en case studies van succesvolle implementaties 
13:45 – 14:15Session 2: Demonstration of the Niko Production Process
· Live demonstration of the integrated production process at Niko,
including uniform operator screen, real-time scheduling, quality control, and OEE.
· Discussion of the benefits and efficiency improvements through this innovative approach.
14:15 – 14:30Break
  14:30 – 15:15Session 3: Digitalization and Innovation at Niko
· Presentation on further digitalization efforts and innovative projects at Niko
including DOM (Daily Operation Meetings), real-time monitoring, and Plant Management Control Tower. 
· Discussion of future plans and opportunities.
15:15 – 16:30Networking Opportunity, Q&A with Experts, Personal Demos, and Closing Drinks
· Informal networking
· Opportunity to ask questions to experts
· Personal demos on discussed topics
· Casual conversation over drinks
*The program is subject to changes.


Ometa HQ, Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem


Niko - factory of the future

Knowledge Session

We are proud to invite you to an exclusive event where we will take a deep dive into Niko’s award-winning digital transformation project, with special focus on the chosen Ometa framework. Niko has opted for the Ometa product for its digital transformation, which has led to remarkable improvements in their production process and the prestigious recognition of the Factory of the Future Award. During this event, we will discuss the implementation of the Ometa framework at Niko, as well as its impact on their operational efficiency. With our digital assistant, which supports operators by capturing machine knowledge, we prioritize the human element and reduce dependence on specific skills. We offer a unique opportunity to gain insights, share experiences, and network with industry experts and like-minded professionals.


12:00 – 13:00Welcome with Lunch
Lunch buffet with coffee and sandwiches
13:00 – 13:15Welcome
Digital transformation of the production process at Niko and the achievement of the Factory of the Future Award
13:15 – 13:45Session 1: Implementation of Ometa Solutions at Niko
· Explanation of the implemented Ometa solutions at Niko, including integration, functionalities, and benefits.
· Practical examples and case studies of successful implementations.
13:45 – 14:15Session 2: Demonstration of the Niko Production Process
· Live demonstration of the integrated production process at Niko,
including uniform operator screen, real-time scheduling, quality control, and OEE.
· Discussion of the benefits and efficiency improvements through this innovative approach.
14:15 – 14:30Break
  14:30 – 15:15Session 3: Digitalization and Innovation at Niko
· Presentation on further digitalization efforts and innovative projects at Niko
including DOM (Daily Operation Meetings), real-time monitoring, and Plant Management Control Tower.
· Discussion of future plans and opportunities.
15:15 – 16:30Networking Opportunity, Q&A with Experts, Personal Demos, and Closing Drinks
· Informal networking
· Opportunity to ask questions to experts
· Personal demos on discussed topics
· Casual conversation over drinks 
*The program is subject to changes.


Ometa HQ, Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem


Registration for this event has been closed. For more information about future events please contact

Indumation 2024

Ometa is again participating at Indumation 2024. This year we bring with us an interesting Industry 4.0 case.

Rob Naaikens, Sr. Director Global IT at Inalfa Roof Systems Group is presenting an interesting case on combining different data sources and producing insightful data for the line and plant managers with the Ometa Framework.

Indumation takes place from 31st of January until 2nd of February 2024 at Kortijk Expo.

Visits are free when registered with this link.

Ometa Webinar

Der IEUG Praxistag fand im Oktober wegen Corona leider nicht statt, was aber nicht bedeutet, dass sich bei Ometa nichts getan hat. Letztes Jahr haben Sie uns vielleicht während dem Praxistag schon zugehört. Wir möchten Ihnen sehr gerne das folgende Update über das Krohne-Projekt vorstellen, bei dem wir die gesamte Werkstatt papierlos gemacht haben:

Neben Krohne hat Ometa auch andere erfolgreiche Implementierungen in Bezug auf Fertigungsprojekte durchgeführt. Hier unterscheiden wir 3 Säulen:

a) Paperless und Konnektivität
b) Maschinen-OEE-Follow-up und Verknüpfung mit ERP
c) Digital Shadow von jedem Stück in der Produktion

Schauen Sie sich gerne das zugehörige Video an, um einen besseren Einblick in diese 3 Lösungen zu erhalten. Sie werden alle im selben Framework implementiert und zeigen eine klare Vision und Wachstumsstrategie, wie Sie die digitale Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen Schritt für Schritt am besten angehen können:

Sind Sie neugierig geworden? Wir halten an folgenden Terminen das Webinar “Papierlos arbeiten in der Produktionshalle”, Luc DELEU wird Ihnen gerne präsentieren:

24. Februar 2021 von 10:00 bis 11:30
09. März 2021 von 10:00 bis 11:30

Mail to:

New way of working with external people

Feeding customers and suppliers with real-time information to speedup communication is a part of Industry4.0. 

Smurfit Kappa will show how can you meet customers’ expectation by giving them a real-time view on your ERP on stock, orders and financials. Communication with customers is streamlined both internally and externally by avoiding e-mail chains and phone calls.

Vynova will share how they achieved initial savings from digitizing their Customer Services, and how the BI insights on that digitized process collaboration enabled them for a next step in Lean optimization. Other cases will be highlighted like the automation of their REACH compliancy. This event is organized by Devoteam as a partner of Ometa.


26 November – Smurfit Kappa (Oosterhout, NL)

Wilhelminakanaal Zuid 106
4903 RA Oosterhout


Agenda 09:30 u – 12:00 u (optional)

  Note: This is an optional activity that you can choose during your subscription
09:30 Reception for guided factory tour at Smurfit Kappa Vandra (optional)
  This is a reception for the optional guided tour at Smurfit Kappa Vandra.
10:00 Guided tour through Smurfit Kappa Vandra factory

Warandelaan 2
4904 PC Oosterhout


Agenda 12:00 u – 16:30 u (Everyone welcome)

12:00 Welcome lunch
12:45 ShelfSmart in-store marketing
  Frank Sinnige – Smurfit Kappa
13:10 Customer Connect
  Arno Voets – Smurfit Kappa
13:40 Break
14:00 The Vynova Digital Workplace, combining SAP and Office 365
  Luc Schruers: IT Application & Project lead – Vynova
Laurens Hartman: Customer Service Manager – Vynova
14:40 Horizontal Integration meets industry 4.0
  Alain Wayenberg – Agoria
15:05 The huge potential of digitizing process driven collaboration
  Arnold de Ploey – Devoteam
Luc Deleu – Ometa
15:35 Closing note & Networking

27 November – 4 Wings
(Westerlo, BE)

Devoteam at 4 Wings
Nijverheidsstraat 13
Oevel-Westerlo (E313, Exit 23)


Agenda 15:30 u – 18:15 u

15:30 Welcome coffee
16:00 Horizontal Integration meets industry 4.0
  Alain Wayenberg – Agoria
16:15 The huge potential of digitizing process driven collaboration
  Arnold de Ploey – Devoteam
Luc Deleu – Ometa
16:30 Customer Connect Smurfit Kappa
  Arno Voets: Controller – Smurfit Kappa
17:10 Break
17:30 The Vynova Digital Workplace, combining SAP and Office 365
  Luc Schruers: IT Application & Project lead – Vynova
Laurens Hartman: Customer Service Manager – Vynova
18:10 How to get started – Crawl-Walk-Run
  Arnold de Ploey – Devoteam
18:20 Networking – walking dinner


Documentenbeheer hand in hand met je processen voor slimmere samenwerking

WML en Pidpa zijn twee watermaatschappijen die enige jaren geleden besloten hebben om hun informatiebeheer zowel intern als extern te verbeteren. Beide watermaatschappijen werken zeer gestructureerd en hadden reeds intensief geïnvesteerd in hun ERP om al hun kernprocessen op orde te stellen. In deze sessie laten we zien hoe hun gestructureerde processen de basis vormen voor een slimme informatiedeling met een sterke data governance. Door de documenten en archiefstukken met de processtructuren te integreren, ontstaat er een informatieplatform dat snel het totaalbeeld geeft rond projecten, klanten, leveranciers, contracten, juridische dossiers, aanbestedingen, …

Interesse in deelname? Het event wordt in Nederland en België georganiseerd:

14 november – WML (Maastricht,NL)

Limburglaan 25
6229 GA Maastricht

Agenda 12:00 u – 17:00 u


12:00 Receptie en ontvangst
  Ontvangst met broodjes
13:00 Digitaal samenwerken vanuit bestaande structuren
  Ometa – Luc Deleu
13:45 Dossier inrichting vanuit je processen voor beheer van interne documenten
  WML – Kay Nauman
14:30 Koffie
15:00 Samenwerken met Gemeentes en Aannemers
  Pidpa – Tom van Eysendeyk
15:45 Visie op digitale meters en positie in het informatielandschap
  Product Group Manager KROHNE – Rob de Nijs
16:30 Netwerking in de utility wereld
17:00 Afsluiten

19 november – Pidpa (Antwerpen,BE)

Desguinlei 246, 2018 Antwerpen
Zaal Schelde – hoofdkantoor Pidpa

Agenda 10:00 u – 15:00 u


10:00 Receptie en ontvangst
10:30 Digitaal samenwerken vanuit bestaande structuren
  Ometa – Luc Deleu
11:15 Samenwerken met Gemeentes en Aannemers
  Pidpa – Tom van Eysendeyk
12:00 Broodjeslunch
13:00 Dossier inrichting vanuit je processen voor beheer van interne documenten
  WML – Kay Nauman
13:45 Visie op digitale meters en positie in het informatielandschap
  Product Group Manager KROHNE – Rob de Nijs
14:30 Netwerking in de utility wereld
15:00 Op tijd naar huis voor de Antwerpse file



  • Real-time data visualisation in tables, forms, charts and tiles
    See what’s new in ADM. ADM helps users to not only create beautiful forms, but also different kinds of charts and even smart tiles.
  • New Case Management possibilities
    Ometa has worked very hard to improve the Case Management module. It is possible to send messages to users and roles in the collaboration portal. Approval flows are easier to support with the new tasks module and the introduction of the new rule engine enables even more powerful possibilities.
  • Security and Apps with OData
    Ometa has introduced a new security layer where you can grant users from social providers like Google, Twitter, … the permission to access your external data. In combination with OData this gives you the possibility to build apps for your mobile.
  • Smartwatch notifications
    Ever wondered if it possible to get production status notifications on a smartwatch? We will demonstrate the possibilties.
  • Ometa roadmap
    We never stop innovating and we are happy to tease you with the upcoming features for 2020 and further!

When: 26 September 2019 – Lunch from 12:00
Uilenbaan 59 – Wommelgem, Belgium
Parking: free parking


12:00 – 13:00  Lunch
13:00 – 13:20 Welcome by Luc Deleu
13:20 – 15:00  Parallel sessions (in English)
– Real-time data visualisation in tables, forms, charts and tiles
– New case management possibilities
– Security and Apps with OData
– Smartwatch notifications
15:00 – 15:30  Ometa roadmap
15:30 – 16:30  Closing notes and networking (with drinks)



  • How do you build the bridge between Sales and Manufacturing?

  • How can you successfully manage One-Piece-Flow production (lean manufacturing)?

  • And how can you even involve Machine data (IoT, OPC UA) in your manufacturing/ maintenance control?


These questions and many more will be answered on Thursday 12 September 2019 at Ometa in Wommelgen, Belgium. The session will be held in Dutch and a maximum of 15 people can participate in the session. 

We offer you the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience regarding Smart manufacturing with Ometa and see how we can accelerate together. Are you available on 6 June? Then we look forward to seeing you in Wommelgem! 


08:30 u Reception
  Coffee, tea and Belgian coffee biscuits
09:00 u Introduction of Ometa & Vision Smart Manufacturing
09:45 u Best practices: Manufacturing excellence
  Close the bridge between Sales and Manufacturing
  One-Peace flow management
12:30 u Lunch
13:15 u Manufacturing control & prediction
  Machine data (IoT, OPC UA, PLC, etc.)
14:15 u Ometa methodology
14:30 u Closing note and networking



On 2 and 3 October 2018, the yearly Connect to Innovate event by SAP and VNSG will take place in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. As a worldwide certified SAP partner,  Ometa will also be present of course.

We invite you to our stand on 3 October, where we are happy to meet you, share knowledge and tell you all about our product and solutions. This year, we will be focusing on ‘the best of both worlds’.  Or how an integration between SAP and SharePoint/Office 365 can offer you many benefits. Whereas SAP can function as the solid backbone of your company processes, SharePoint/Office 365 holds many great functionalities for digital collaboration and document management. Ometa offers intelligent integration solutions that allow you to create a new digital work space in which the power of both systems is fully leveraged.

Moreover, on 3 October our customer Duracell will be giving an inspiring session on how the production company made the shift to becoming a speed factory and how it is now preparing to become a smart factory. With the real-time integration of SAP right up to the production floor, the company achieves enormous efficiency and speed gains. Success factors in becoming a smart factory are the capturing of machine data (via OPC UA), the creation of a ‘digital twin’ and machine learning.

On 25 October 2018, our partner Ctac Belgium is organizing cNOW – Taste the future in the Palm Breweries (Steenhuffel, Belgium). During this event, you will discover the latest innovations that will help improve your business performance. The day will include many flavourful ingredients that are certain to inspire you. And the best part is: you can select the ingredients that seem the most interesting to you.

Ometa will add some ingredients to the event as well. We will have a booth where we welcome visitors to come and talk to us about their challenges and discuss the solutions that we could offer. Next, Ometa will do an expert session where you can ask us in-depth questions on the Ometa platform. We will also explain you how we can build the best solutions together. Last but not least, our customers Duracell and WML will give inspiring sessions on how they are using Ometa to build the bridge between SAP and Office 365 and how they benefit from this!

Check out the full program here and see you at cNOW!