Advanced Training 2 en 3 augustus 2023 - Volgeboekt

The advanced training is a 2-day training which covers the most important features of the Ometa Platform. It is important that you already have experienced the Ometa Platform and have a basic understanding of objects, methods, views and context managers.

The first day is focused on ADM. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up connections to various external systems;
– setting up filtering possibilities;
– create attractive forms in SharePoint;
– conversion & validation scripts with C#
– custom scripting with JavaScript
– embedding Google-kaarten in the ADM
– configuring linked views in the context manager to refresh certain ADM’s
– context manager functions for fetching context from external systems;
– list view functions, item view functions and item method functions
– input extensions for retrieving info from system A and send it to system B
– profile virtualisation where the context determines the correct external system;
– audit trailing for tracking all changes made on a record;
– using SharePoint context to include the current logged in user
– working with internationalisation
– performance.

During the second day we go deeper into Dynamic Case Management. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up the DCS system from scratch;
– configure all states for the product life cycle;
– building a dynamic template for a product site;
– process state transitions;
– working with the Case Management Dashboard;
– working with permissions;
– using tasks.

This training session is held in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch.

Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem

Participation is free!

Program 2nd and 3rd August 2023

08h30 Receptie
  Koffie, thee en Belgische koffiekoekjes
09h00  Deel 1 
  Interactieve training
12h00 Lunchpauze
  Drankjes en broodjes.
13h00 Deel 2 
  Interactieve training
17h00 Afwerking
Samenvatten en concluderen

Fully Booked!