Formation avancée 2 et 3 août 2023 - Complet

The advanced training is a 2-day training which covers the most important features of the Ometa Platform. It is important that you already have experienced the Ometa Platform and have a basic understanding of objects, methods, views and context managers.

The first day is focused on ADM. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up connections to various external systems;
– setting up filtering possibilities;
– create attractive forms in SharePoint;
– conversion & validation scripts with C#
– custom scripting with JavaScript
– embedding Google Maps in the ADM
– configuring linked views in the context manager to refresh certain ADM’s
– context manager functions for fetching context from external systems;
– list view functions, item view functions and item method functions
– input extensions for retrieving info from system A and send it to system B
– profile virtualisation where the context determines the correct external system;
– audit trailing for tracking all changes made on a record;
– using SharePoint context to include the current logged in user
– working with internationalisation
– performance.

During the second day we go deeper into Dynamic Case Management. During this day you will learn more about:

– setting up the DCS system from scratch;
– configure all states for the product life cycle;
– building a dynamic template for a product site;
– process state transitions;
– working with the Case Management Dashboard;
– working with permissions;
– using tasks.

This training session is held in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch.

Location: Uilenbaan 59, 2160 Wommelgem

Participation is free!

Program 2nd and 3rd August 2023

08h30 Réception
  Café, thé et biscuits au café belge
09h00  Première partie 
  Formation interactive
12h00 Pause déjeuner
  Boissons et sandwichs.
13h00 Partie 2 
  Formation interactive
17h00 Finition
Résumer et conclure

Fully Booked!